The club is very happy to have so many amazing sponsors for our 2-D courses
Please patronize our sponsors
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor the information you need is at the bottom of this page
For those interested in becoming a sponsor:
You or your business can be a sponsor
A sponsorship is a $100 per year
A sponsorship lasts for one year from the time you sign up
You get a membership included in your sponsorship
Your money goes towards keeping the 2-D target courses in presentable condition
You are assigned a bale/target that will have a poster for you or your business
The same poster will be put up at our sight-in range and on our website

Steps to become a Sponsor
Download and print the sponsorship form
Fill out your business information and your personal information
Mail the form and a check to the club, address at bottom of form
Email information/photos to the club that you like on your poster
You will receive your membership cards in the mail