
The club is very happy to have so many amazing sponsors for our 2-D courses

Please patronize our sponsors

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor the information you need is at the bottom of this page

Hot Point Chinese Restaurant

Schock Welding

Jim Brown Memorial

DMN Transport, LLC.

Ridgeline Plumbing

Columbia Gorge Honda

Columbia Gorge Toyota

Fix Auto

Pioneer Appliances, LLC.

Pioneer Plumbing, LLC.

C. H. Urness Motors Co.

Tum-A-Lum Lumber

E. B. Targets

2 Dogs Plumbing & Drain Cleaning, Inc.

Pray Electric & Construction

Schaeffer's Specialized Lubricants

Wasco County Utilities

Devco Mechanical

Straight Arrow Outfitters

Lage Orchards

Craig Treichel Excavation

Dan and Debbie Roberts

For those interested in becoming a sponsor:

Celilo Bowmen Sponsor Membership Form.pdf

Steps to become a Sponsor